Friday, March 02, 2007
Victory for Chained Dogs

They aren’t all being let off their chains and invited onto the couch, but attention is on the plight of chained dogs. On Monday, 2/26, the House of Representatives voted unanimously in favor of HM19.
In the next year, the Department of Public Safety will study the humane and public safety implications of persistently tethering dogs. The resulting study can be used to guide future policy- at the state, county and local levels.
Working on HM19, it became apparent that this issue was one that legislators care about. The morning of the vote on the House floor, faxes in opposition to the memorial were sent to all representatives. After they were read and responsibly placed in the recycling bins… and one staffer finding falsified information on the fax regarding a AVMA statement...the New Mexico House of Representatives needed no debate before their unanimous vote!
Thanks to Representative Miguel Garcia for sponsoring HM19.