Thursday, March 08, 2007
Roosters almost home free

Tonight the bill to ban cockfighting passed the House by a vote of 49-20! There was about 45 minutes of debate. Many in the House spoke in support of the bill including Rep. Al Park, Rep. Peter Wirth, Rep. Bill Rehm, Rep. Jeff Steinborn, Rep. Antonio Maestas and Rep. Gail Chasey. There were the usual attempts at amendments including adding an appropriation to send the bill to the House Finance Committee which was narrowly defeated. The bill now heads back to the Senate for concurrence on an amendment.
Many thanks to all who have supported and worked so hard on this bill for so many years. History has finally been made for the roosters and New Mexico is stepping up to join the other 48 states that outlaw these horrible killing contests. We hope the cockfighters can find a new joy in gambling on something else.....perhaps the World Series of Poker? I hear they are taking entries now for next year.