Thursday, January 26, 2006
Things are moving Quickly
Thanks to all who attended our lobby day on Wednesday. You made a great impression on a number of legislators. Press coverage was wonderful as well, thanks to our spokesdog Buster. A large photo of Buster and House Majority Chief of Staff Helga Schimkat appeared in the Albuquerque Journal, and Matt Grubbs with Channel 7 did an amazing story on the Animal Sheltering Services Act.
A special thanks to all our leglative champions who attended our press conference: Rep. Ken Martinez, Sen. Mary Jane Garcia, Sen. John Grubesic, Rep. Kathy McCoy and Rep. Joni Gutierrez.
Also on Wednesday, the Animal Sheltering Services Act, SB 122, passed the Senate Judicary Committee unanimously. Senator Richard Martinez was especially supportive as he had received a call just the day before from an out-of-state woman who had visited the Espanola animal shelter and had some concerns. Like many shelters in the state, they are facing a huge overpopulation challenge and doing what they can given their resources. The Animal Sheltering Services Board, which will be created by this law, would help shelters to address those types of problems. Senator Rod Adair found that the bill's provisions for training and licensing those that must euthanize homeless dogs and cats would help shelters in his district reduce the number of animals brought there from outlying areas to be euthanized. There was no opposition to the bill during the hearing. Next, sponsor Senator Mary Jane Garcia, takes the bill to the Senate Finance Committee.
Over on the House side, HB 227, a mirror of SB 122, goes before the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on Tuesday afternoon in room 315.
HB 252, which addresses the need for bear-proof trash containers in certain parts of the state, will be heard by the House Energy and Natural Resouces Commitee on Friday at 8:30 am in room315.
HM 2, a memorial concerning the evacuation of companion animals during disasters, is up before the House Government and Urban Affairs Commitee on Saturday at 8:30 am in room 324.
Both HB 252 and HM 2 are sponsored by Representative Kathy McCoy.
The Land, Wildlife and Clean Energy Act was scheduled for a hearing in House Business & Industry Committee today, but the committee decided to hold the bill, HB 188, over until Sunday. There are a number of proposed changes, as many different constituencies weigh in...
We hope to have a hearing soon for SM 10, a measure declaring cockfighting the state disgrace. It's generated a lot of talk around the Roundhouse!
A special thanks to all our leglative champions who attended our press conference: Rep. Ken Martinez, Sen. Mary Jane Garcia, Sen. John Grubesic, Rep. Kathy McCoy and Rep. Joni Gutierrez.
Also on Wednesday, the Animal Sheltering Services Act, SB 122, passed the Senate Judicary Committee unanimously. Senator Richard Martinez was especially supportive as he had received a call just the day before from an out-of-state woman who had visited the Espanola animal shelter and had some concerns. Like many shelters in the state, they are facing a huge overpopulation challenge and doing what they can given their resources. The Animal Sheltering Services Board, which will be created by this law, would help shelters to address those types of problems. Senator Rod Adair found that the bill's provisions for training and licensing those that must euthanize homeless dogs and cats would help shelters in his district reduce the number of animals brought there from outlying areas to be euthanized. There was no opposition to the bill during the hearing. Next, sponsor Senator Mary Jane Garcia, takes the bill to the Senate Finance Committee.
Over on the House side, HB 227, a mirror of SB 122, goes before the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on Tuesday afternoon in room 315.
HB 252, which addresses the need for bear-proof trash containers in certain parts of the state, will be heard by the House Energy and Natural Resouces Commitee on Friday at 8:30 am in room315.
HM 2, a memorial concerning the evacuation of companion animals during disasters, is up before the House Government and Urban Affairs Commitee on Saturday at 8:30 am in room 324.
Both HB 252 and HM 2 are sponsored by Representative Kathy McCoy.
The Land, Wildlife and Clean Energy Act was scheduled for a hearing in House Business & Industry Committee today, but the committee decided to hold the bill, HB 188, over until Sunday. There are a number of proposed changes, as many different constituencies weigh in...
We hope to have a hearing soon for SM 10, a measure declaring cockfighting the state disgrace. It's generated a lot of talk around the Roundhouse!