Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Roosters closing in on retirement!

After a vote of 9-1 in the House Judiciary Committee on Monday, SB10 is going to the House floor for a vote! After the House vote, the bill will need to go back to the Senate for a concurrence vote on a technical language amendment for the penalties that was orginally amended on the Senate floor, but fixed by House Agriculture and Water Resources.
If you haven't contacted your representative yet, please call today. The vote in the House could be as early as Thursday March 1, 2007. Click here for your representative's contact information: http://legis.state.nm.us/LCS/legislatorsearch.asp
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Cockfighting ban passes Agriculture Committee!

By a vote of 6-1, the cockfighting ban passed with a "No Rec" the House Agriculture and Water Resources Committee (with the House Judiciary Committee members also in attendance) tonight! On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee will vote SB10 based upon the testimony from today's hearing and then it is on to the House floor!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
APV Animal Advocacy Day

Despite blizzards in Albuquerque, volunteers, legislators and members turned out to lobby for the animals today. Governor Richardson kicked off the day with a press conference this morning to proclaim February 14th "Spay and Neuter Awareness Day." He was followed by Senator Mary Jane Garcia who is the Senate sponsor of two APV priority bills: the Cockfighting Ban (SB10) and the Animal Sheltering Services Act (SB458). Representative Miguel Garcia gave a powerful speech about the plight of chained dogs in our state along with Timber, a former chained dog for House Memorial 19. Lastly, Representative Joni Gutierrez who is sponsoring Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez's "Pet Owner Responsibility Act" spoke regarding the importance of spay and neuter and the pet overpopulation crisis in New Mexico.
Thank you so much to all of the legislators, members, volunteers and Governor Richardson for joining us for a great day of animal advocacy!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
quick ASSA update-

Last night, the Animal Sheltering Services Act was given a unanimous do pass by the House Judicial Committee. Next stop, House Appropriations!
Thanks to all of you who have called your legislators about this important bill. I have spoken to representatives who mentioned that concerned citizens have called in support of the ASSA. There is still a lot more work, and we'll need your continued help in the coming weeks.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Chained Dogs... not forgotten

Imagine having a chain around your neck that forces you to eat, sleep and defecate in the same place, day after day, exposed to scorching heat and freezing cold. Imagine being tied up, alone, with nothing to do and nowhere to go. This is the life of a continuously tethered dog.
Dogs are social animals who yearn for attention and a place in the family. But this issue isn’t just about the dogs. Dogs who spend their lives on the end of a chain become frustrated and agitated. The American Veterinary Medical Association has concluded that tethering dogs contributes to aggressive behavior.
Considering the following:
• children are the most common victims of dogs bites
• tethered dogs account for 25% of humane fatalities from dog bites
• tethered dogs are nearly three times more likely to bite than non-tethered dogs
Representative Miguel Garcia of Albuquerque’s South Valley has responded. He has introduced a House Memorial 19 in hopes of tackling this important issue. HM19 calls for the Department of Public Safety to conduct a study into the public safety and humane implications of persistently tethering dogs. It has been assigned to the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. We’ll let you know when a hearing is scheduled.
Cockfighting ban passes the Senate 31-11!!!!!

Sorry for the delayed post here - APV was having technical issues this week with Blogger.
History was made for New Mexico's roosters on Wed. February 7th when, after 5 1/2 hrs of debate, the Senate voted 31-11 to support a statewide ban on cockfighting.
During the long debate, seven amendments to weaken the bill were introduced by Senators Phil Griego and Rod Adair, two of which passed. One amendment, introduced by Senator Phil Griego, lessened the penalties for participating in a cockfight down to a petty misdemeanor on the first offense, a misdemeanor on the second offense and a 4th degree felony on the third and subsequent offenses. The other amendment removed all penalties for attending and watching a cockfight.
This bill now moves on to the House where it will be heard before the Agriculture and Water Resources Committee and the Judiciary Committee and then it is on to the House floor! If you haven't called the members of these committees yet to support SB10, please do so today! Your local Representative (they are not counting those calling from out-of-state or out-of-district) can be found at: http://legis.state.nm.us/lcs/legislatorsearch.asp
APV and its members send our heartfelt thanks to the Senators who stood up and spoke against the amendments that were introduced: Senator Cisco McSorely, Senator Mary Jane Garcia, Senator Michael Sanchez, Senator John Arthur Smith, Senator Leonard Lee Rawson and Senator John Grubesic.
Stay tuned for more updates and committee scheduling in the House!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Animal Shelter Bill on the move

Our beloved rooster blogger, “Political Animal” is laid up with what we hope is not the bird flu. So, stay tuned for more updates on from the rooster front.
Pumped up with vitamins and armed with cold medicine, "Political Pitbull" is here for other legislative updates.
This past Wednesday, the House Health and Government Affairs Committee heard testimony on the Animal Sheltering Services Act (ASSA). After several questions about the state of shelters and euthanasia procedures in New Mexico, the committee voted unanimously to give the bill a do pass.
The ASSA now moves on to the House Judiciary Committee on Monday, 2/12 at 1:30 pm.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Senate Vote on SB10 tomorrow!

Tomorrow, February 7th, SB1o will be debated and a vote will be taken in the full Senate.
A ban on cockfighting has never passed out of the Senate in previous years. We hope tomorrow the roosters can take their first giant leap to a "fight free" future!
Monday, February 05, 2007
7 to 3!!!!!
History was made again today as we passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee with an amendment to make the penalties for cockfighting and attending a cockfight a misdemeanor on the first offense and a fourth-degree felony on the the second and subsequent offenses. Now, it is on to the Senate floor for a full vote.
Thank you to all of APV's members and supporters that came our today to support the ban on cockfighting. We couldn't do it without all of you!
Please stay tuned for more updates and don't forget we have another important hearing on one of our other bills, the Animal Sheltering Services Act, at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, February 7th. If you haven't already called your legislator in the House Health and Government Affairs Committee, please do so now! Follow this link to look up your legislator: http://legis.state.nm.us/
Thank you to all of APV's members and supporters that came our today to support the ban on cockfighting. We couldn't do it without all of you!
Please stay tuned for more updates and don't forget we have another important hearing on one of our other bills, the Animal Sheltering Services Act, at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, February 7th. If you haven't already called your legislator in the House Health and Government Affairs Committee, please do so now! Follow this link to look up your legislator: http://legis.state.nm.us/
Friday, February 02, 2007
Roosters on a roll!
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on SB10 has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on the Senate floor on Monday, February 5.
Please come and support our feathered friends!
Please come and support our feathered friends!
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Today was historic for the roosters of New Mexico.
Thanks to the tremendous support of Animal Protection Voters' members, as well as the eloquence of our speakers, Senators Altamirano, Payne, Ryan, Sharer and Pinto voted to support SB10 to prohibit cockfighting with only three Senators voting against the ban . The bill will now be sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for a hearing!