Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Animal Sheltering Services Act is Introduced!

Even with the huge effort to ban cockfighting we are still looking out for New Mexico’s companion animals.
The Animal Sheltering Services Act is off and running! SENATE BILL 458 (Sen. Mary Jane Garcia) and HOUSE BILL 453 (Rep. Tom Swisstack) have been introduced.
For years, the public, shelter administrators and municipal governments have been looking for assistance in determining standards for their facilities, and there is currently no assistance from the state.
The ASSA would create the Animal Sheltering Services Board (ASSB), which would provide the necessary guidance, assistance and oversight for municipal and county animal shelters. The Board would also regulate and license euthanasia providers throughout the state.
Stay tuned for the ASSA’s path through the legislature and how you can help.

Tomorrow, February 1, 2007 the bill to ban cockfighting will be heard before the Senate Conservation Committee in the Senate Gallery at 2:30 p.m. You must arrive early to try and get a seat!
Questions? Please e-mail:
See you tomorrow!
Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's time to make history folks. On Thursday, February 1, 2007 at 2:30 p.m. in Room 311 of the State Capitol Building, SB10, the bill to Ban Cockfighting will be heard in front of the Senate Conservation Committee.
Will the Fight Go On or will the cockfighting ban and the 81% of New Mexicans that support a ban finally get a historic vote on the Senate floor this year?
The roosters of New Mexico can't make it to the hearing - so they need you to come and be their voice and presence. We must demonstrate that the cruelty of animal fighting is not consistent with New Mexicans' humane values.
We are making it easy to attend by providing free round trip transportation from several parts of the state (no need to bother with driving or parking in Santa Fe!), a yummy boxed lunch, t-shirts with our fabulous new graphic and a great time, with democracy at its finest!
To RSVP for your free shuttle ride you MUST call or email by Tuesday January 30th: 505-265-2322 x21 or email:
Rocky the Rooster
SFR Talk: Cock Block By Julia Goldberg Published: January 24, 2007 |
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SFR: Rocky, are you an inherently violent bird?
RR: While it is in my nature to protect my territory, it is not with razors or being pumped full of drugs. I will fight for my territory, but not to the death.
Is that what happens during a cockfight? You have razors attached to your legs?
RR: Yes, I have huge gaffs attached to my legs in the form of razors or knives more than 3 inches long, and there’s only two ways to come out of that ring: dead or alive.
What’s your life like between fights?
RR: The life in between fights is when I’m kept tethered to a small A-frame shelter in a yard, just out of pecking reach of hundreds of other roosters. I’m kept there almost all the time to taunt me to protect my area. Two weeks before a fight, I’m taken into a coop called a keep, where I’m fed special foods to give me more energy; and my steroids, the drugs I take, are stepped up to make me more aggressive, and then I get trained. Sometimes I get trained by beating up on other roosters that are used as bait.
How did people end up using you for fights?
RR: From what I understand from my friends, the tradition actually began back in Asia and slowly worked its way over to Mexico. My sport is also in Louisiana at this time and used to be in Oklahoma, so there is no cultural aspect to the killing contest I’m forced to participate in.
How many of your brothers and sisters have died in cockfights?
RR: Of half the birds entered in a derby on the weekend, which could be 100 birds, only 50 walk out.
Do people bet on these games?
RR: People do. Winners in the derby can take home $10,000 to $80,000, and that’s why they fight so hard to get me killed. And all of the gambling is illegal.
Is that part of why cockfighting has become so controversial?
RR: Yes, because all of the money that is involved.
Do you think this will be the year New Mexico finally makes cockfighting illegal?
RR: I’m very optimistic. I would like to be free to peck and scratch around the yard and hang out with my lady friends.
Do you think Gov. Bill Richardson is using you for political gains?
RR: No, I feel that he understands that he needed to lend his support along with 81 percent of New Mexicans who support getting a ban passed. Gov. Richardson is a pro-animal governor.
Animal Protection Voters has been trying to get you out of the ring for years. What are some of their current efforts?
RR: Currently, they have launched a Web site,, to help people find out where the bill to ban cockfighting [SB 10] is in the Legislature and are continuously working to keep the bill’s location in the public’s mind so the public will keep pressure on the Legislature to pass the ban.
And the ban’s sponsor is state Sen. Mary Jane Garcia, D-Doña Ana.
RR: She is a wonderful woman who cares deeply for animals.
Who are your other human friends?
RR: Some of my friends include the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops, the New Mexico District Attorneys Association, the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence and New Mexico Voices for Children.
I’ve read that some of your supporters have been threatened.
RR: Yes, and I think it shows that those who have been cruel to animals won’t hesitate to be threatening and use intimidation on people.
In some states where cockfighting is illegal, there are still underground fights. Will that happen here?
RR: It may, but that is why the fourth-degree felony inclusion in the bill is so important. It will allow our law enforcement to be able to focus on tracking down fighting rings.
What can people do to help you?
RR: Contact their legislators and tell them they support a statewide ban on cockfighting.
What are you going to do without cockfighting?
RR: Well, after I unshackle myself from these gaffs and detox from the drugs, I’m going to go strut my stuff around the barnyard.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Will The Fight Go On?

On January 17, 2007, Senator Mary Jane Garcia (D-Dona Ana) introduced Senate Bill (SB) 10 to Prohibit Cockfighting in New Mexico. Eighty-one percent of New Mexicans who support a ban, wait with bated breath to see if this will be the last year for these cruel contests. SB10 was referred to the Senate Conservation and Senate Judiciary Committees and we are waiting for the hearing date to be set.
In the meantime, please go to to get updates, read about the issue and sign up for the e-mail list so that you'll be the first to know what's going on!
It is looking like it is going to be an exciting year for New Mexico's animals (political and otherwise) and we'll hopefully have a lot to "crow about!" Stay tuned for more updates!